Here's the scoop: (get it?)
The consolotion prize awarded to our girls for moving them from their beloved Texas to Illinois was the ice cream parlor we would build in the basement. We are avid fans of Extreme Home Makeover (actually, any 'before and afters') and saw an episode once with a sweet little guy who had a skin disorder and couldn't leave the house. The team installed a bowling alley and an ice cream parlor for him so he could experience some of the joys most other kids do. I searched the web for hours looking for images from that episode and couldn't find a this is what I came up with!
I bought this ice cream parlor table and chairs on Craigslist for 25 bucks. Some chairs had no seats so I had some plywood cut, added some foam and recovered them. I used leftover fabric (found it on ebay and don't remember the name) on the Target curtains for a bit of a custom look! I may not be much of a seamstress, but this girl can sew some straight lines!
I sketched out the 'awning' I wanted for the parlor and the basement guys whipped one the wood frame for me in exchange for some oatmeal chocolate chip that's a trade!I used a lid to trace the scallops, sewed them and used a staple gun for the rest.

Ta-Da! We found this tin-look tile on clearance at Menard's to use as backsplash...I thought it looked ice-cream parlor-ish. We realized that unless we wanted to constantly clean shoe scuffs off the bar wall, we needed to cover it with something and went back to Menards for more.
Ry came up with the name for the parlor "here's the scoop". So cute, right? I wonder if there is one out there with that name?? I cut this with my Roland and added some fun graphics. The candy jars are from Target and are filled with after-holiday-clearance candy!